160 / 4B,5th Lane,Maligagodella Road,Kolonnawa,Sri Lanka.

"Any Time, Any Place, fresh tea products. "


Jack -Baby

Polos is the name for the sensitive, almost unripe jackfruit (baby jack). The veggie is cut into hard and white bits. It’s normally made with a lot of curry powder, goraka for sourness, garlic, onion, and thick coconut milk and simmered slowly for hours (ideally over a wood fire). Finally, you’ll get softish, brown bits that resemble fish or flesh and have a strong, spicy flavor. Ripe jackfruit, on the other hand, has pale yellow interiors that are softer and stickier. When it’s young, it’s made into a mellum with shredded coconut; when it’s mature, it’s boiled with a lot of coconut milk, turmeric, and garlic.

It has a moderate taste similar to potatoes, and the seeds taste like roasted chestnuts. Waraka is the word for overripe jackfruit, which is more of a fruit. It has a strong durian-like fragrance, a bright yellow color, a rubbery consistency, and a sweetish flavor. It can be eaten raw as a snack or dried and fried to form ‘chips. Jack contains folate, niacin, riboflavin, potassium, and magnesium.